What Clients Say...
"Joy has helped me so much. She has really made me believe I will get where I want to be"
"When I come to see you it feels like putting down a bag of heavy shopping and walking out without it"
"I feel comfortable talking with you because I never feel stupid and I know you understand"
"It's so helpful to talk with someone neutral. My family and friends are supportive but you can provide something different"
"You give us a safe place to talk. We're getting closer and making progress"
"I always have something to process after my session"
"Joy is very approachable"
"I'm sleeping better and I am less anxious. I've achieved better results than with CBT because I'm getting to the root of the problem"
" Because you've been a teacher you know what I'm talking about"
"I've really got much more from this than I expected"
"My family and colleagues have seen a real change in me"